Alison and Kris

Thank you Alison and Kris for representing us at the Torcher parade

NEEDS(Scotland) were very proud to have volunteer Alison and her son Kris represent us at the Torcher Parade in Aberdeen on Saturday 28th March. Alison was delighted to do this, as she was very keen to celebrate her daughter’s recovery from an eating disorder. 28th March, 7 years ago, was the day her daughter was admitted to hospital, and the family were obviously very anxious for her. These are her words,

“My daughter and I have both come a long way in seven years. I will carry that torch with

PRIDE for the beautiful young woman my daughter is blossoming into;
BELIEF that with the right treatment, support and understanding these hideous illnesses can be overcome and
HOPE for the future of other young people blighted by eating disorders, that we can help them to turn negatives into positives by using our own personal knowledge and experiences, to offer compassion, understanding and support when they need it most without judgement or criticism.”

On behalf of everyone at NEEDS(Scotland) thank you so much, folks. And, by the way, you look amazing in those fabulous teeshirts!

Alison and Kris with their torches   Alison and Kris