In the past we have had some very successful fundraising events such as
- Jazzercise Fun Day and Disco
- Subsea7/Venture fundraising events
- Runners in the Baker Hughes 10k
- Poetry reading evening
- Ceilidh
- Musical evening
- Buffet/Disco with raffle
- Football Testimonial
- Marks and Spencers “Charity of the Month” and bag pack
We have had some personal donations too, which we really appreciate, and also some schools competing in the Youth Philanthropy Initiative have raised funds on our behalf.
Since we rely solely on donations, we really appreciate all the help we can get!
Please think about fundraising on our behalf…..every little counts!
Some ideas to inspire you
- Car boot sale at Thainstone
- Disco
- Book Sale
- Sponsored Walk
- Sponsored Silence
- Firewalk
- Race Night
What do you do with the money you get
Hi Emma,
Thank you for your enquiry. As we don’t receive any regular monies at all, we rely on our own fundraising, donations from the public, and also awards such as the YPI schools award. All this money, with the except of minimal administration costs is focussed on our group members, bringing speakers to the group, workshops and complementary therapists, as on the annual Wellbeing Days we held pre-Covid. We are now also having to pay for a meeting place as we cannot access our usual meeting rooms within Royal Cornhill Hospital. I hope this answers your question.