When I heard the word eating disorder I used to find it hard to digest, I always said I had an issue with food as I found it hard to admit I was ill. I needed help soon and NEEDS was there.

No matter if I had a diagnosis or not, as long as I thought it was an issue I could go. I met a lovely group of people who I am still close with. Without the support of the amazing volunteers and the lovely people who come to the group I would not have been as far in recovery.

At meetings I would hear people saying they were “recovered” and for years I thought it was impossible. However I have learned that nothing is “impossible”. The word itself says I’m Possible and I am proud to say I feel like I have recovered. NEEDS was there when I felt so isolated and lonely. I owe NEEDS my life, and I will be forever thankful to everyone!

‘NEEDS (Scotland) has been an invaluable support to me on my road to recovery. It has been a safe place for me to go for support. Having an eating disorder can be very lonely, but you don’t have to be alone. At NEEDS (Scotland) you can laugh, cry, and share experiences, and you are encouraged along by fellow sufferers and facilitators.’

‘NEEDS (Scotland) was the first place I got help. I was very frightened, but they were such a welcoming group. For me it is a safe place to get advice and encouragement towards recovery for everyone that eating disorders affect.’

‘Over the last two years, we have often wondered where we would have been without NEEDS. ……We are in a far better place, both emotionally and educationally, due to their compassion and empathy.’

‘NEEDS was there like a hand to hold when I felt alone, the only one. Here, there were others like me, and we helped and supported each other without question or judgement, and together we reached a better place.’

‘NEEDS (Scotland) provides very valuable support to those suffering from eating disorders and their carers. The group has been fortunate in having some highly committed and understanding volunteers facilitating group meetings. For those attending professional services for therapy and the treatment of their eating disorder, the support group provides an additional and different type of help.

For those who are uncertain about making contact with health services and other professional helpers, the support group provides a safe and sympathetic setting in which to seek advice and reflect on how best to deal with the eating disorder.’

Just wanted to say how much I have appreciated the invaluable support & advice I’ve received from everyone at NEEDS, both facilitators & other group members. It took a lot of courage to attend the support group for the first time, but everyone is so friendly & reassuring and it’s a safe place to chat confidentially to others who are in the same boat, just maybe on different waves.

Very Heartwarming!

I don’t have enough words to express how grateful I am for all your love, support and encouragement throughout this last year and a half. NEEDS has really got me through this last stage of uni and I honestly don’t know where I would be without you all!

When I think back to my first meeting, I was so nervous and in such denial about my illness, but you all put me so much at ease and have gradually helped me see that life without an eating disorder is 100% possible. You have changed my outlook and I will remember that forever.

NEEDS is such a bubble of understanding and this unique atmosphere wouldn’t be possible without the amazing compassion and advice of the facilitators as well as the companionship between group members. I will think of you all with a smile each month and fingers crossed, I can return as a facilitator at some point in the future.

The biggest thank you in the world,
Love from