As you will all now know our monthly group meetings are now suspended until further notice due to the Coronavirus outbreak. We will follow government guidelines as to when these meetings will resume. Until then, we refer all our group members to the Beat website at for any support they may require. There are various helpful topics and also helplines and ED specific online support groups.
If anyone is in crisis and needs to speak with someone there is a service called 1st response run by Penumbra which is a telephone and email based service due to the current climate. It is open Mon-Fri 9-5pm. If you live in Aberdeen and are over 16 the number is 0800 234 3695 or email
There is also Breathing Space at
One publication which is very helpful, and accessible to all is at Under the heading Coronavirus information, scroll down and you will find Support for Individuals. Scroll down from there and almost at the bottom, there is a Corona Anxiety Download. This is a 16 page document which is very informative and useful.
This is a quote from Colie Taico, a North Carolina based psychotherapist,
“Don’t let this pandemic stand in your way. You can do this. One step at a time. ”
Some of the advice she gives in The Huffington Post includes
Be compassionate with yourself. It’s normal for eating disorder thoughts to creep back in during stressful times.
Remember that eating disorder behaviours don’t actually solve any problems- and, in fact, make things worse.
Don’t let old eating disorders thoughts prevent you from buying what you need at the supermarket.
Establish a routine to help keep eating disorder thoughts at bay.
Stay digitally connected to friends, loved ones and online support systems.
Remind yourself that recovery is a very worthwhile process and that you’re so much more than an eating disorder.
One book of illustrations which is really uplifting is The Boy, the mole, the fox and the Horse by Charlie Mackesy. You can view some of his drawings or buy the book through his website
All the volunteer facilitators at NEEDS(Scotland) hope that everyone stays safe and well and we look forward to meeting you all again when we can.