Update on meetings for group members and carers
Wishing everyone a very belated happy New Year and hoping that at last, we can see some light at the end of the Covid 19 tunnel. We continue to have face to face groups in meeting rooms above Cafe Credo in Aberdeen city centre. There are two groups, one for adults with any eating disorder and one for carers of anyone with an eating disorder. These meetings continue to be held on the first Monday of every month at 7.30pm. The dates for the next two meetings are
Monday 7th March
Monday 4th April
Entry to the meeting rooms is to the left hand side of the entrance to the cafe. Places still need to be booked through our administrator beforehand. We are currently in discussion with Cornhill Hospital regarding our return to the Macrobin Centre, and will keep everyone informed via our website and email.
Bridging the Gap in Dundee hope to resume their meetings as soon as possible. Our administrator will confirm this by email and also on this web page.
NEEDS(Scotland) is a self help group who value the opportunity to share experiences in a welcoming and caring setting. All our volunteers have experience of eating disorders either personally or as carers. Some people attend regularly every month and others prefer to come along for extra support when necessary. If you have only just found our website, do please come along and feel the benefits of shared support and the knowledge that you are not alone.