Support for partners
One of our facilitators and her husband have very kindly offered to produce some notes on supporting a partner through an eating disorder. With this in mind, they are asking group members, especially carer members to submit questions they would like answered. You can do this by emailing our administrative assistant through the Contact Us page on this website, emailing her direct, or speaking to one of the facilitators on a group night. We are very grateful to them both for choosing to do this. Here is Natasha’s open letter to all group members.
Hello all,
Here’s an idea we’ve had recently that may help you all. We’ve noticed that at the group many of you are in relationships and it’s something that is hard at the best of times but when you throw an eating disorder into the mix it can be of the hardest things to go through as a couple. Myself and my husband dated throughout the time I was recovering from my eating disorder so we thought it would be helpful for you guys if we could make a resource booklet about dating with an eating disorder if it’s something you’d find useful. We thought if you want to send us questions or suggestions of things to include then we’ll answer them together, from both my side and my husband’s as ‘the boyfriend’.
Thanks! And hope this is something that will help!