A display in the Edinburgh Woollen Mill based in Dobbies Garden Centre in Aberdeen to raise awareness of eating disorders

Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2016

The national charity B-eat had “Eating Disorders in the Workplace” as its theme this year. One of our volunteers, Paul Donald, created a display in the Edinburgh Woollen Mill based in Dobbies Garden Centre in Aberdeen to raise awareness of eating disorders and highlight the work of NEEDS(Scotland) and also MBEEDS, (Men and Boys Eating and Exercise Disorders Support)

We have also had a request to display information on eating disorders and what our charity does, at Anderson, Anderson and Brown, Professional Chartered Accountants in Aberdeen

Dennis Robertson, MSP, once again organised an Eating Disorders Conference at the Scottish Parliament which took place on Friday 26th February. The presentations were on four themes. You can access the debate held prior to the conference at www.theyworkforyou.com to hear various contributions from Dennis Robertson and other MSPs.


Early Intervention
This presentation highlighted a programme run by the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust in partnership with the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience at King’s College, London.

The programme was for 18-25 year olds referred to the outpatients service, and offered a range of proven therapeutic interventions, including online support, group-based therapy, university holiday sessions and evening appointments with clinicians. All the patients on the programme improved rapidly. This presentation was very interesting and gives hope for more early intervention being used more widely.


Marsipan and Junior Marsipan
This presentation discussed the management of really sick patients with anorexia nervosa.


New Technology
This presentation highlighted a scheme which gets appropriate information to GPs so that they know exactly what is available for their patients.


Males with Eating Disorders
This presentation from Paul Donald of MBEEDS and Sam Thomas of MGEDT, (Men Get Eating Disorders Too) discussed the myths surrounding males with eating disorders, also focussed on how MBEEDS were raising awareness through displays and youtube presentations featuring a comedian Dave Chawner who has personal experience of an eating disorder. There was also a personal story featured.

Edinburgh Woollen Mill staff raise awareness of eating disorders in the workplace

Edinburgh Woollen Mill staff raise awareness of eating disorders in the workplace