Entries by Heather Cassie

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

“Step lightly into Christmas….with an open mind and an open heart…with no expectations…..no should, no shouldn’t, no pressure, be true to yourself, and to those you love.”  A Christmas thought from a former facilitator The NEEDS(Scotland) team wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  

Sara Preston, Scottish Young Ambassador for b-eat

Sara Preston, Scottish Young Ambassador for b-eat We were extremely lucky to secure the services of Sara Preston, one of b-eat’s Scottish Young Ambassadors to come and talk to us at the November meeting. Sara started by giving us an insight into the work of b-eat and what the Young Ambassadors do. She then gave us […]

“This is Me” Calendar

“This is Me” Calendar One of our group members and some of her friends and family came together to produce a calendar which celebrates positive body image, raising funds for the national charity Body Gossip and NEEDS(Scotland). The group have included a positive statement about body image on each page. The calendar has been featured […]

Youth Philanthropy Initiative

Youth Philanthropy Initiative This is a project involving secondary school pupils with the aim of getting them involved with local charities. Groups of pupils choose a charity which has an emphasis on some aspect of social care, and they do some research in their chosen field. They then do a presentation to their fellow pupils. […]

University Freshers Fairs 2013

NEEDS (Scotland) were able to attend the Freshers’ Fayres at both Aberdeen University and The Robert Gordon University. This raises awareness of eating disorders, and also about our group and the support we offer. It also provides the opportunity for anyone to share their concerns, or perhaps offer assistance to the group in some way.