Music and Art as a celebration of recovery… an update
There’s been quite a bit of interest in this project, which has been really terrific. Here is Nadine’s summary of where the project is so far…
So far for my community music project ‘Can You Hear Me?’, I have been working alongside participants to create a recovery song using art. Two sessions have already passed and I am so pleased with the effort and results from these.
Our first session resulted in mood boards being made from our favourite songs – where we all thought about the musical reasons these songs meant what they did to us. In our second and most recent session, we created lyrics using the four core aims of NEEDS, and together as a group selected phrases from our responses. Next session will be creating rhythms to our lyrics and it would be great to see some more faces! Both members and carers are welcome.
The next session will be held in Room M5 at Rosemount Community Centre in Aberdeen, on Tuesday 14th March at 7-9pm. All group members and carers welcome. You don’t need to have been before!